Saturday, September 13, 2014

New Apartment

Switching jobs and moving to the main campus has not only been a huge relief, but a major upgrade in my living conditions! The neighborhood was built in the 90s and has many pedestrian boulevards with restaurants/shops lining the walkways. Street vendors sell fresh tomatoes, potatoes, greens and fried treats like waffles stuffed with ice cream.  There is also a good selection of hats, socks, clothing and trinkets. Across the street from me is a flat freshwater stream with a plentiful array of fish and birds and bike/walking paths on either side that stretches for miles. Just a short walk away is a community with at least fifty European style cafes that are hopping most nights.  Any type of food you're in the mood for is available and it is a most pleasant area for a leisurely stroll.

I live on the 16th story of a 31 story building called Royal Palace Housevill.

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